Friday, March 4, 2016

17 Tricks and Tips to Stop Weight Gaining Tide

Gaining weight may sound as tides that you can not control for some people, But using some of tricks and tips you can easly lose and balance your weight, No matter how much food, friends you have, Party you join, you celebrate. 

Below the 17 tricks and Tips: 


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Skipping breakfast or lunch in order to “save your appetite” probably isn’t the best weight-maintenance tactic.
Your metabolism plummets while you sleep, you go into a state of catabolism (breakdown). The best way to jump-start your metabolism and give your body the fuel it needs for the day to come is to eat a quality breakfast. At a bare minimum, your breakfast should have at least one serving of fruits and vegetables, a lean protein source and a glass of water. You can also add a quality whole-grain carbohydrate source, such as steel cut oats, to your breakfast.


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Protein can help maintain a healthy weight because high-protein diets are associated with greater satiety (It’s important for healthy muscle growth). Make sure to serve up some turkey, roasted chicken, or prepare animal-free alternatives like quinoa, lentils, or beans.

More: 7 Amazing Ginger Benefits for Health and Weight Loss


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Eating slowly may not be easy when appetizer options are endless, but it pays off to pace yourself. The quicker we eat, the less time the body has to register fullness. So slow down and take a second to savor each bite of baked brie or scoop of spiced nuts.

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When you sit down for the main event, leave food in the kitchen (away from reach) rather than display a basket full of piping hot rolls, multiple casseroles, and an entire turkey directly on the table. When you’ve cleaned your plate, take a breather, and then decide if you really want seconds. Changing up the environment—in this case, by leaving food near the stove—can help reduce overall food intake.

More:  7 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea


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 Plate sizes have expanded significantly over the years. Whenever possible, choose the smaller salad plate (8-10 inches) instead of a tray-like one (12 inches or more). Using smaller plates can actually make us feel fuller with less food. The brain associates a big white space on the plate with less food (and smaller plates generally require smaller portions).

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Short-term diet interventions never work long-term. In order to keep weight off, you need to change your lifestyle to make it conducive to keeping weight off. This sounds simple, but for some men it can be a rough transition. If you associate healthy eating with bland foods, you probably won’t continue to eat healthily for too long. Learning how to use spices and prepare foods in different ways that you enjoy will help ensure that you’re eating the right foods for the rest of your life. You can start by perusing the grocery store for prepackaged spices like Cajun, Italian seasoning, Montreal steak and/or chicken, and seasoned salt. Eating healthily does not need to be boring.

More: 10 Effective Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Fast Weight Loss

ditch added

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Sugar may increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and obesity. Stick to sugar that comes in its natural form (fruits, veggies, and whole grains) and try small tastes of the desserts you’re truly craving rather than loading up a full plate of bland cookies.

More: Chinese Weight Loss Secrets

sneak in
the viggies

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Munching on vegetables has long been recognized as a way to protect against obesity. Mix puréed veggies like pumpkin into baked goods or casseroles, or sneak them into pasta or potato dishes. Adding veggies increases fiber, which helps make us fuller.
eat every
2 to 3 hours

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One of the best things you can do to keep weight off is to set up an eating schedule and stick to it. Eating regularly tells your body that you are going to supply it with a consistent supply of quality nutrients and that it doesn’t need to hoard anything. It will also ensure that you don’t binge eat because you’re “starving.” Figure out when you usually wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night, then plan meals every two to three hours in between. Remember that keeping weight off is about keeping your metabolism high. Skipping meals lowers your metabolism, too, so stick to your schedule.

More: 10 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning

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Muscle has a significantly higher metabolic rate than bone and fat. Simply put, this means that it takes more energy (calories) to fuel muscle than it does other tissues within the body. By lifting weights and adding some muscle mass, you keep your metabolism and the number of calories you burn at rest high. This is one of the most overlooked aspects of a quality fat-loss program and is essential as part of a weight-loss maintenance program.
wait befor
grabbing secondes

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The quicker we eat a meal, the less time we give our bodies to register fullness. As we mentioned. Since it takes about 20 minutesfor the brain to get the message that dinner’s been served, it’s best to go for a walk or chat with friends before dishing up seconds.

More: 6 Best Nuts For Weight Loss
invest in

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Before guests leave you with half-full platters of food, have some Tupperware at the ready. Load up containers for friends and family to hand out as they leave. Bonus points for getting containers that are holiday-themed or for adding a festive bow to your parting gift.

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If you end up with loads of leftovers on your kitchen counter, pack up the extras and store them in the freezer for a later date. Studies show that when food is out of sight, you’ll be less likely to reach for a second helping.

More: 25 Easy Ways To Fit In 10 Minutes Of Exercise
take easy on
the white stuff

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Simple carbs are often the white stuff—white bread and refined sugars (like those in soda and candy). These foods provide energy, but often lack the same nutrients as complex carbohydrates (which are found in starchy foods, such as legumes, potatos, corn, and whole grains). While some simple carbs can be good for us (also known as the kind found in fruit and low fat dairy products), in general, the body breaks down simple carbs more quickly than the complex kind, which creates a spike in blood sugar (insulin) that can leave us feeling hungrier, faster. Stick to whole grains (whole-grain bread, brown rice, or quinoa) and stay full on healthy proteins (like we mentioned previously).

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Studies have conflicting results on whether chewing gum will actually help curb your appetite and lead to weight loss in the long run. However, in the short-term, chewing can keep you busy when socializing amongst a sea of hor d’ouevres or when you're full but still eyeing a second plate of dessert.

 More: How to Lose Weight Naturally (22 Home Remedies)
turn off
the tube

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Though turning off the TV during any football game or family movie might feel like a sin, eating while watching television is linked to poor food choices and overeating. Plus, getting sucked into It's a Wonderful Life or Elf may bring on mindless eating, since it can be easy to lose track of just how many chocolates or candies you've had. And it’s not just the mindlessness of watching television that’ll get us. Commercials for unhealthy foods and drinks may increase our desire for low-nutrient junk, fast food, and sugary beverages.


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Drinking water helps people feel full, and as a result consume fewer calories. Rather than guzzling calorie- and sugar-laden sodas andjuices (which are associated with increased body fat and blood pressure).

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