Monday, October 5, 2015

5 Steps To Get in Shape While Pregnant

5 Steps To Get in Shape While Pregnant,pregnant, get in shape, ups, health, baby, sport, fit

Gaining weight during pregnancy is essential for your baby’s health and development. Staying in shape while pregnant should not be used to prevent weight gain. Exercising regularly during your pregnancy, however, can keep you feeling fit, alleviate pregnancy aches and pains, and help your body return to its prepregnancy fitness and weight after giving birth.Talk to your physician before continuing or beginning your fitness plan to make sure it is safe for you and your baby.

Step 1

Make a fitness plan, approved by your physician, to keep your body toned and in shape. Many common exercises, including swimming, biking, walking and running, yoga and aerobics, are safe to continue or begin during pregnancy. Swimming is the safest of these exercises; it enhances fitness while supporting the weight of your body.

Step 2

Do Kegel exercises, pelvic tilts, pelvic floor stretches and other stomach exercises each day to strengthen your pelvic and abdominal muscles in preparation for birth and to enhance bladder control during pregnancy.

Step 3

Keep a regular exercise schedule. If you exercised regularly before pregnancy, continue with your routine as long as you feel comfortable with it and your doctor approves. If you are only beginning to exercise now that you are pregnant, begin with 5 minutes a day and add 5 minutes each week until you regularly exercise for 30 minutes a day.

Step 4

Warm up for at least 5 minutes before beginning your exercise routine. Walk for a few minutes, or try basic exercises, such as stretching your neck, shoulders and calves.

Step 5

Consume 300 to 500 additional calories each day, or as directed by your physician.

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