Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10 Ways To Push Yourself To Exercice

10 Ways To Push Yourself To Exercice, exercice , workout, fitness, health
Finding ways to push yourself through a tough workout out can be a challenge for all people of all fitness levels. Whether you are new to fitness or if you have reached a plateau in your workout, pushing yourself is very important if you want to see results. After time, your body will get used to the same workout. If you want to see results from exercise, you must push yourself to make a change in your fitness routine. I had a hard time with this after I had my daughter. Fast forward to a year later, and I was still heavier than I was pre-baby. I was eating right and was exercising often, but the truth was that I need to increase my workout intensity. It was hard, there was a lot of sweat and sore muscles, but when I saw results it was all worth it and now I feel better than ever. Here are my top 10 ways to push yourself through a workout:

1. Push Through It

Basically, when exercising your body will start to say, “Hey, I’m not used to this, this is uncomfortable.” and you feel like stopping. Next time you get this feeling, encourage yourself to run a little further, hold a yoga pose a little longer, or do a few more reps. If I stopped running every time I felt like it, I would not be able to run a mile and I would never see results. I have often found that when I feel like stopping, I say to myself, “just a little further”. Often I end up running much further than I thought I could, sometimes a mile or two longer.

2. Visualize Results

Use this as motivation to help you keep going. For example when I was trying to get in shape for our recent trip to Costa Rica, I would picture myself on the beach wearing a bikini. Or even worse, having to chase after my toddler in my bikini! Almost always I would run a little further or do a few extra squats and sit-ups.

3. It’s Only Temporary

Remind yourself you are only doing this for a short amount of time. This works great for me in yoga when I am struggling to hold a pose. I remind myself that this is the only time today I will be doing this pose and I find myself pushing myself to bend a little more.

4. Workout with a Trainer

A trainer can be a great way to get started on a workout program or get back on track. A trainer will also encourage you to push your limits.

5. Workout with a Friend or In a Group

It’s fun, motivating, and can bring out the competitive side in you! When exercising with friends, you are more likely to push yourself to keep up the pace and the time passes quicker. If your friends are busy try out a group fitness class.

6. Get Distracted

Have something on your mind? Exercise can be a great way to sort out your thoughts and feelings.

7. Try Something New 

Adding variety to your workout routine can be an exciting and encouraging way to push yourself. Maybe you’re sick of the gym? Try exercising outside for a change. You can also mix up the speed you do exercises or run. For example do one set of squats normal, do the set fast. Or sprint 1 minute, walk 1 minute.

8. Music

Studies have shown that music can increase your motivation which will lead to a longer and more intense workout. Also its helps with distraction!

9. Make it Fun

It’s fun to make up a game when the workout gets tough. For example pretend that you are in a race or try picking an object in the distance, such as road sign or tree, and run until you get to that point. When I’m on a run and it gets hard, I pretend like I’m climbing a mountain. I imagine that I’m almost to the top of the mountain and that the hard part will soon pass.

10. Remember your Goals

Use your goals to help push you through a tough workout. You can even make it mantra. For example repeat to yourself “I will get fit.”

I encourage you to try at least one of these techniques next time you are exercising. Share how it goes or tell us how you push yourself when the workout gets tough?

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