Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2 Days Orange Diet

2 Days Orange Diet, Lose weight in 2 days with orange dietLose 2 kilos in one week-end with orange diet…from Saturday to Monday morning. Considering the fact that it is winter time, oranges are among the fewer fruits left natural on the market.

Not only they are absolutely delicious but oranges can also help you lose weight. The only problem is that you can keep this diet for only 2 days, but it helps you lose 2 pounds that can cause real troubles otherwise.

Orange based diet is a 2 day-diet designed to help you quick eliminate excess weight and help your body to eliminate the toxins accumulated in the last period. This is not a diet with real weight problems, but for those who had no time to lose a few kilos in the last months.

More: 10 Effective Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Fast Weight Loss

Orange’s advantages:

Oranges are low in calories, only 39 calories, and only 8.5 grams of carbohydrates. They are the best fruit you can eat this winter and compensates for vitamin deficiencies also, especially if you decided to give up extra pounds gained during the winter holiday. They have anti-infective properties, help your digestive transit, it has diuretic and laxative properties and, it seems that it reduces the risk of colon cancer.

More: 10 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning


Attention! Follow the advice of a nutritionist and doctor before beginning the diet!

Day 1:

• mandarins or oranges or all day long, plus 3 slices of toast at every meal.

Day 2:

• Breakfast – Mix one orange with one small non-fat yogurt and add lemon juice.
• Lunch – Orange salad: 1.2 orange, a red onion, 2 figs, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and basil
• Dinner – 1 slice of integral bread with seeds, with butter and one orange.

More: Why Bread Makes You Fat and High Fat Foods Can Help You Lose Weight

This is a very strict diet that is why it is really necessary to ask the permission from your doctor. Orange juice it is well known as one of the most effective ways to eliminate toxins from your body. Prepare orange juice, diluted 5:5 with water and then drink every two hours from 8 am to 8 pm. Approximately 6.8 cups a day.


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