Saturday, March 12, 2016

How to Break into a Tight Crowd to Talk to The Person you Want

How to Break into a Tight Crowd, break into tight crowd and talk to the person you want elegantly and respectfully

How to break into a tight crowd and find a way to talk to the person you want, elegantly and respectfully.

The woman you’ve decided you MUST meet is wearing no Whatzit? Can’t find the host for the Whoozat technique? To make matters worse, she’s deep in conversation with a group of her friends. Seems quite hopeless that you will maneuver a meeting, doesn’t it? You can’t just say, “Excuse me, I just thought I’d eavesdrop in and say ‘Hello.’ ” as Leil Lowndes said, the author of "How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships" book.

More: 16 Extraordinarily Successful People Who Failed Miserably Before They Made It

No obstacle blocks the resolute politician, who always has a trick or ten up his or her sleeve. A politico would resort to the “Eavesdrop In” technique. Eavesdropping, of course, conjures images of clandestine activities—wiretapping, Watergate breakins, or spies skulking around in the murky shadows. Eavesdropping has historical precedent with politicians so, in a pinch, it naturally comes to mind.

 More: 9 Ways to Make Your Clothes Look More Expensive & Fashionable

At parties, stand near the group of people you wish to infiltrate. Then wait for a word or two you can use as a wedge to break into the group. “Excuse me, I couldn’t help overhearing that you . . .” and then whatever is relevant here. For example “I couldn’t help overhearing your discussion of Bermuda. I’m going there next month for the first time. Any suggestions?”

Now you are in the circle and can direct your comments to your intended.

You can find the 92 fundamental techniques to talk to anyone for big success in relationships here:

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Friday, March 11, 2016

How to Meet the People You Want to Meet [Whoozat]

How to Meet the People You Want to Meet [Whoozat],even if he or she dose not have any Whatzit.

To meet anyone you want, the person is between the crowd, even if he or she dose not have any Whatzit. Say you have scrutinized the body of the important business contact you want to meet. You’ve searched in vain from the tip of his cowlick to the toes of his boots. He’s not sporting a single Whatzit. If you strike out on finding something to comment on, resort to the Whoozat technique. 

As Leil Lowndes said, the author of "How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships" book. Like a persistent politician, go to the party giver and say, “That man/woman over there looks interesting. Who is he/she?” Then ask for an introduction. Don’t be hesitant. The party giver will be pleased you find one of the guests interesting.

 More: 9 Ways to Make Your Clothes Look More Expensive & Fashionable

If, however, you are loath to pull the party giver away from his or her other guests, you still can perform Whoozat. This time, don’t ask for a formal introduction. Simply pump the party giver for just enough information to launch you. Find out about the stranger’s jobs, interests, and hobbies.

 More: How to Make People Want to Start a Conversation with You [Whatzit]

Suppose the party giver says, “Oh, that’s Joe Smith. I’m not sure what his job is, but I know he loves to ski.” Aha, you’ve just been given the icebreaker you need. Now you make a beeline for Joe Smith. “Hi, you’re Joe Smith, aren’t you? Susan was just telling me what a great skier you are. Where do you ski?” You get the idea.

More: 16 Extraordinarily Successful People Who Failed Miserably Before They Made It

Finally, Whoozat technique was originated by doggedly determined politicians who don’t let one partygoer escape if they think he or she could be helpful to their campaigns. Whoozat is the most effective, least used (by nonpoliticians) meeting-people device ever contrived. Simply ask the party giver to make the introduction, or pump for a few facts that you can immediately turn into icebreakers.

The next technique in the little trio of 3 tricks to meeting who you want, How to Break into a Tight Crowd to Talk to The Person you Want.

You can find the 92 fundamental techniques to talk to anyone for big success in relationships here:

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

26 Foods To Get Fat

26 Foods To Get Fat,list of the effective foods to get fat and gain weight

It seems like North America is obsessed with losing weight, but what happens if you want to get fat? Some people are naturally quite small and they too feel the effects of bullying. It can be very hard for a person with a fast metabolism to get fat. For these individuals, even a few pounds can make the difference. Doctors say that having too low body weight can cause health issues like organ damage, lack of menstruation in women, and bone density loss to name a few.

Individuals who are recovering from eating disorders may also be interested in learning how to gain weight a healthy way. It is certainly true that drinking sugary sodas and eating french fries all day will make you gain weight, but your body may suffer the consequences of poor diet and lack of nutrition. Nutritionists recommend that the best way to gain healthy weight is by eating natural, whole foods and paying attention to caloric intake.

We give you 25 natural foods that will help you get fat - the healthy way.


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Take in two portions of salmon every day, this will ensure proper protein collection and help increase weight

Bread acorn

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This seasonal vegetable is loaded with antioxidants and fiber, bake it with a touch of olive oil instead of the butter, this will make it more nutritious and healthy.


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Spread - soft, salty peanut butter on bread. It gives you approximately 192 calories plus it is extra high in protein.


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It is economical and loaded with protein, vitamins A,D, E and good cholesterol.

More: Is Chocolate Bad For Your Health?

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It is loaded with good-for-you nuts and oats. One bowl packs around 500 calories, which is healthy as well as yummy for breakfast.

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Butter is linked with long term weight gain. Intake of butter should be in moderation, as regular consumption of butter is bad for your heart.

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Bagels are extra calorie dense and a good source of complex carbohydrates.

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The vital fatty acids in tuna contain a host of healthy fats, which not only aid in weight gain but also help in maintaining physical well-being.

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Corn bread is full of carbohydrates, and it is a  tasty partner to your favorite curries and and soups. One piece includes approximately 328 calories

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One serving of cheddar cheese packs a good 69 calories.
Cheese is concentrated milk, so it is high in protein and calcium, fat, cholesterol and cheese calories.

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A healthy and nutritious way to gain some pounds, sip 100-percent fruit juice that's full of sugar and added nutrients.

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Pasta is a calorie rich supply of cereal carbohydrates so it can serve as the base of a healthy and high calorie meal.

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The nutrients and necessary acid content present in shrimps seals up your body with healthy calories.

wheat BRead

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You can eat healthy and pack on pounds at the same time by eating whole wheat bread which accounts for approximately 69 calories. 

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You can gain quick calories by eating dried fruits instead of fresh fruits because they have more calories and are still very nutritious. 


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A bowl of oatmeal is the perfect nutritious breakfast. It is high in fiber, and it also provides the body with vital nutrients. 


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The healthy fruit-flavored, fatless yogurt can give you as much as 118 calories. Include it in your daily diet for quick weight gain.

healthy fats
and oils

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Adding extra fat to your food is an easy way to add calories, choose olive oil, canola oil, etc. which is good for your health and will add those much needed calories too.  


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Brown rice is a source of dietary carbohydrates, and packed with healthy dose of fiber.



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One banana contains approximately 100 calories. Not only are bananas rich in carbs and nutritious, they're also great for workout fuel.
nuts and

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Nuts and seeds contain polyunsaturated fats that add healthy calories to your diet. Nuts like almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds are good for you and your health.

More: 6 rules for post-workout meals

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Beans are good protein substitutes for vegetarians, who want to share the benefits of animal proteins. 


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Chicken breast, is supposed to be the healthiest and non-fat part which has approximately 78 calories for each serving.

More: 10 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning

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Potatoes are rich sources of carbohydrates and complex sugars. Consume as grilled or baked potatoes for quick weight gain.


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A healthy, high calorie food is the nutty, delicious soybean. Not only are they rich in protein but are also a rich source of calcium, iron and several B-vitamins and fiber.


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An 8-ounce serving of 2-percent milk contains122 calories. To use milk before bed to boost your daily intake by 500 calories and gain 1 pound per week, you'd have to drink between 4 and 5 cups every evening. Boost the calorie content by mixing each glass of milk with nonfat dry milk powder -- a 1/4 cup adds another 109 calories -- and make 1 cup equal to around 230 calories.

If you stick to just one 8-ounce serving of milk fortified with 1/4 cup of dry milk powder, you'll gain a pound every 15 days or so. If you don't add the powder, It'll take you about a month to gain a pound by adding a cup of milk before bed every night, assuming you don't make any other changes to your diet.

you can add nuts to your cup of milk.
Sources: mensxp, fitbie, allwomenstalk, fitday, activebeat,

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