Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2 Days Orange Diet

2 Days Orange Diet, Lose weight in 2 days with orange dietLose 2 kilos in one week-end with orange diet…from Saturday to Monday morning. Considering the fact that it is winter time, oranges are among the fewer fruits left natural on the market.

Not only they are absolutely delicious but oranges can also help you lose weight. The only problem is that you can keep this diet for only 2 days, but it helps you lose 2 pounds that can cause real troubles otherwise.

Orange based diet is a 2 day-diet designed to help you quick eliminate excess weight and help your body to eliminate the toxins accumulated in the last period. This is not a diet with real weight problems, but for those who had no time to lose a few kilos in the last months.

More: 10 Effective Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Fast Weight Loss

Orange’s advantages:

Oranges are low in calories, only 39 calories, and only 8.5 grams of carbohydrates. They are the best fruit you can eat this winter and compensates for vitamin deficiencies also, especially if you decided to give up extra pounds gained during the winter holiday. They have anti-infective properties, help your digestive transit, it has diuretic and laxative properties and, it seems that it reduces the risk of colon cancer.

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Attention! Follow the advice of a nutritionist and doctor before beginning the diet!

Day 1:

• mandarins or oranges or all day long, plus 3 slices of toast at every meal.

Day 2:

• Breakfast – Mix one orange with one small non-fat yogurt and add lemon juice.
• Lunch – Orange salad: 1.2 orange, a red onion, 2 figs, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and basil
• Dinner – 1 slice of integral bread with seeds, with butter and one orange.

More: Why Bread Makes You Fat and High Fat Foods Can Help You Lose Weight

This is a very strict diet that is why it is really necessary to ask the permission from your doctor. Orange juice it is well known as one of the most effective ways to eliminate toxins from your body. Prepare orange juice, diluted 5:5 with water and then drink every two hours from 8 am to 8 pm. Approximately 6.8 cups a day.


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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

7 Ways to Walk 10,000 Steps A Day (Even If You Hate Walking)

7 Ways to Walk 10,000 Steps A Day (Even If You Hate Walking), walk more steps, walk and lose weight

To burn 500 calories a day, you need to walk 10,000 steps a day. Though it may seem like a high amount of steps, it's pretty doable. A typical sedentary person walks about 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. With a little focus and determination, it's easy to bump that number up to 10,000. 

Many people who want to lose weight put barriers up for themselves. They think they need fancy equipment or an expensive gym membership. In reality, the solution is so simple — all you need to do is start walking! 

Walking can lowering your risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and it can lead to fat loss. You can easily burn 500 calories a day by walking. And the best thing about walking is you can do it anywhere — at work, home, or school. And it’s an ideal exercise for pregnant women, overweight people, people who suffer from joint pain, people with high blood pressure, and the elderly.

Here are some things to keep in mind: One mile is equivalent to 2,000 steps, and it takes about 20 minutes to walk. You’ll need to walk about five miles to complete 10,000 steps. Below are tips that will help you focus on reaching this number.

1. Use a pedometer

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A pedometer is a device that counts the number of steps you take. It records each time the hips move up and down. You can use a pedometer watch or an app. Aim to check it a few times each day to see your progress. If you're short on steps, it might motivate you to take a walk during your lunch break or an after-dinner stroll.

More: 5 Ways to Burn Calories without Exercising

2. Add 300 steps every day

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Don’t start walking 10,000 steps right away. Just like any other exercise routine, start moderately then gradually increase your intensity. Aim to add at least 300 steps every day. Keeping records of your daily steps will also help you improve; keep a journal in which you log your daily step totals.

More: How to Lose Weight Naturally (22 Home Remedies)

3. Commit to walking.

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Sure it's an easy exercise, but walking 10,000 steps every day is not easy. You have to put in a lot of effort and push yourself. Unless you stay consistent and keep progressing, you won’t benefit from walking. Try to turn it into a habit by designating certain times of the day for walking.

More: 5 Steps To Get in Shape While Pregnant

4. Walk up and down hills.

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Walking on hills burns more calories. If you live in a hilly place, take advantage of the terrain. Regularly walking up and down hills will stretch and strengthen leg muscles. Walking up stairs also burns more calories.

More: 10 Effective Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Fast Weight Loss

5. Set reminders

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People are busier than ever and it’s easy to forget about your walking goals. Set a reminder on your work calendar that encourages you to walk a few laps around the office every hour. Set an alarm on your phone that urges you to go for a walk before or after you eat dinner.

More: 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

6. Walk at high intensity

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The faster you walk the more calories you’ll burn. You should be able to hear yourself breathe as you walk. Increase the pace if you are breathing normally. Also, feel free to swing your hands as you walk.

More: Flat Tummy Water Recipe

7. Remember, the extras count

Here are some other easy ways to sneak in a few extra steps every day:
  • Get off the bus/train one stop beyond where you live and walk home.
  • Park far from the office, then walk.
  • Walk kids to school or to the bus stop.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Go for a walk with a friend or walk the dog.
  • Walk to a co-worker's office instead of calling or emailing.
  • Go for a walk instead of watching TV or scrolling through your Facebook timeline.
  • Use different walking routes to avoid monotony.
These are just a few — there are literally hundreds of ways to walk more. Don’t waste time, start walking today, increase your age!

More: Chinese Weight Loss Secrets

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Why Bread Makes You Fat and High Fat Foods Can Help You Lose Weight

bread and fat,fat foods can help you lose weight, weight loss

For a long time, we’ve been told to eat a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrate rich grains to be healthy. The food pyramid, found on school classroom walls and doctors offices, has breads, grains and other starches and its base. The message is eat more wheat, corn and other grains and we’ve been listening.

Wheat production alone has tripled in the last 50 years to try and keep up with our insatiable demand for ‘healthy’ grains. But is it working?

Just look around you any time you’re out walking on the street if you really wondered the answer to that question. During that same 50 year time period clinical obesity levels in American adults have risen from just under 10% in 1960 to over 35% in 2010. Children’s obesity rates are going up even faster. It’s estimated that by 2030, over half the US population will be obese. To be defined as clinically obese isn’t just overweight, it’s life threatening. We are getting fat real fast. But how can this be when saturated animal fat consumption has actually fallen significantly over the same time period? Surely eating less saturated fat should have made things better, shouldn’t it? Actually, it’s made things much worse.

More: Flat Tummy Water Recipe

How Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates Affect Your Body 

One of the hardest things for some people to get their head around is that it’s usually not eating fat that makes us fat. Yes fatty acids contain more calories than carbohydrates or protein. But the way our bodies process and use protein, carbohydrates and fats are very different.

Good protein sources like free range eggs, seeds and nuts, wild salmon or grass fed meat help to build and maintain your body and its muscles, organs and blood. Eating protein also provides a good level of satiety (that satisfied feeling of fullness you should get after eating a meal) and you would find it very difficult to get fat on a diet of natural protein foods combined with a variety of vegetables.

Healthy fats like those found in coconut, avocado, butter from grass fed cows, nuts and seeds and free range meats provide an even higher level of satiety than protein. These types of high-fat foods really fill you up and tell your body to stop eating. They level out your blood sugar and tend to stop our hunger dead in its tracks for many hours.

Certain fatty acids, like the saturated capric acid found in coconuts or the monounsaturated oleic fatty acid predominant in avocados, have also been shown to help reduce body fat and significantly aid in weight loss.
Weight gain really is a much more complex subject than simply calories in calories out. The evidence has been staring mainstream food regulators in the face for many decades. But they are either very slow, or have a very big grain industry to protect.
This brings us to carbohydrates and grains. Bread, pasta and cereals are dealt with by your body much differently than protein or fat.

First of all, they’re digested much quicker. Even the so-called complex carbohydrates are rapidly converted into glucose and hit your bloodstream very fast. Whole wheat bread for instance completes its digestion only marginally slower than white bread. And as for those bleached burger buns or bright white slices of bread, they might as well be made of table sugar for all your body knows. The effect they have and the lack of nutrition they provide really isn’t very different. Carbohydrates are sold to us as a quick source of energy. Sounds good but this is precisely the reason why they make us fat. Here’s why.

More:  7 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

How Bread Makes You Fat?

Insulin is a powerful hormone that is responsible for storing fat. When a farmer wants to fatten up his cattle or a sumo wrestler wants to put on weight quickly, they don’t eat fats. That would fill them up and not have the desired effect. Instead they eat grain – wheat for the cattle, rice for the sumo wrestler.

They do this for the grains ability to spike insulin. It’s insulin that is needed to swell the body’s adipose fat cells and deposit even more fat. Without a spike in insulin you’d actually have a very hard time gaining weight.

Eating a diet high in carbohydrates will prevent stored body fat being used as fuel. There is never a chance for your body to switch to using it as an energy source. Even if you were to cut out fat completely (which is extremely unhealthy as fatty acids are involved in many vital bodily processes), you would still be unlikely to lose weight as long as you continue to eat grains. In fact, you’d probably get fatter even faster.

Your body isn’t actually very good at dealing with large amounts of carbohydrates. Any meal high in carbs converts quickly to significant amounts of glucose and is actually seen as a threat. Your blood sugar levels must be maintained in a fairly narrow range. As soon as they get too high your body releases insulin to deal with the danger.

A small amount of glucose can be stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen (and this would be helpful if you intend to run a marathon the next day). But the rest is shuttled away into the adipose tissue designed to store fat, at first around the waist and hips and once that starts to get full, pretty much anywhere it can.

This is a protective mechanism we’ve developed over many thousands of years and would have been useful in the past when food was scarce. But that’s no longer the case and now it’s our relentless consumption of fattening grains that is making so many of us obese and leading to a huge rise in diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease that are killing us.

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Low-Fat Versus Low-Carb

Low-fat diets haven’t worked. They make us hungrier and much fatter as a result. We need healthy fats. They are a vital part of both good health and weight loss.

There’s one important exception, sometimes still marketed as good for you or ‘heart healthy’ but definitely not so. The processed vegetable oils like corn, soy, cottonseed, sunflower and canola oil that are added to a high percentage of processed supermarket foods and hydrogenated into toxic margarine.

These heated and altered polyunsaturated fats are highly inflammatory and linked to heart disease and many other health problems. Avoid them at all costs.
Avocado oil or coconut oil are far healthier cooking choices in your kitchen. Olive oil is a source of good fats too as long as you don’t heat it as it breaks down easily.

Ideally, carbohydrates in your diet should come from vegetables like pumpkin, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, carrots, peppers, leafy greens and many others and lesser amounts of fruit. These contain the fiber to slow down carbohydrate digestion as well as high levels of nutrients and enzymes for better health.

There’s a growing movement of people who have given up grains completely and many have been amazed at the changes in their health and energy. If you really need to lose some weight, cutting out grains for a while will be likely to have a far greater effect on your body weight than the old counting calories. Starving yourself just doesn’t work. You actually teach your body to get better at storing fat as food is suddenly restricted.

Once you reach your ideal body weight, you may be able to tolerate some grain foods without provoking too much of a spike in insulin. Even then, nutritional experts who’ve actually looked deeply into the effect foods like wheat and corn have on our physiology (rather than just chanting the old ‘carbohydrates for quick energy’ mantra) generally believe grain based food should not be more than 20% of your daily intake.

They also consistently say healthy fats have an important place in your meals if you want to lose weight and be fit and healthy.

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Have you been trying to lose weight with the old cutting calories, low fat, more grains prescription? Has it been working? Why not try a different way?

While it may be hard to believe, you probably need more, not less, of the right kind of fats. Couple that with a reduction in insulin spiking grains and you’ll be well on your way to weight loss, better heath and more energy.

Here is a great infographic from Massive Health on how carbs are making you fatter than fat is!

More: 10 Flat Belly Tips

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