Thursday, December 31, 2015

Is Chocolate Bad For Your Health?

Is Chocolate Bad For Your Health?,Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Well Being
The quick answer is “no.” But unfortunately for you chocoholics waiting in the wings, its just not as simple as that. Like any food, if enjoyed in moderation,chocolate has several notable health benefits. But there’s a dark side to chocolate that you ought to keep in mind as well.

Here Are Some of the Health Benefits of Chocolate:

  • Cacao, the source of chocolate, contains antibacterial agents that fight tooth decay. However, chocolate with a high sugar content will negate this benefit. Dark chocolate contains significantly higher amounts of cacao and lower amounts of sugar than white chocolate, making it more healthful.
  • The smell of chocolate may increase theta brain waves, resulting in relaxation.
  • Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine, a mild mood elevator.
  • The cocoa butter in chocolate contains oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fat which can raise good cholesterol.
  • Men who eat chocolate regularly live on average one year longer than those who don’t.
  • The flavanoids in chocolate help keep blood vessels elastic.
  • Chocolate increases antioxidant levels in the blood.
  • The carbohydrates in chocolate raise serotonin levels in the brain, resulting in a sense of well-being.

Now for the Health Risks Of Chocolate:

  • Chocolate may contribute to lower bone density.
  • Chocolate can trigger headaches in migraine sufferers.
  • Milk chocolate is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar.
  • Chocolate is a danger to pets (chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine, which animals are unable to digest).
Additionally, there are dozens of rumors and myths regarding the benefits as well as the risks of chocolate. Here are a few things chocolate Will Not do:

More: 8 Power Fruits For Better Health 

Chocolate Won’t:

  • Cause acne.
  • Make you nervous or irritable: cacao contains the stimulants caffeine and bromine, but not in significant amounts in chocolate bars and nibs.
  • Turn you into an addict: chocolate is not addictive.
  • Raise your cholesterol: chocolate contains stearic acid, a neutral fat which doesn’t raise bad cholesterol.
More: 12 Best Exercises to Keep Your Body Healthy and Fit at Home/Office

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Saturday, December 26, 2015

7 Amazing Ginger Benefits for Health and Weight Loss

7 Amazing Ginger Benefits for Health and Weight Loss, weight loss,fitness,health,anti fat
Ginger comes on the top of the list of effective natural home remedies. Ginger is one of the foods that can give you a health punch, because it is so full of healthy benefits for your body and mind.

Ginger helps regulate Cholesterol

Consuming ginger can have a profound effect on high cholesterol levels that are often attributed to obesity among women and men. High cholesterol levels in a person can indicate higher than normal BMI ( which stands for Body Mass Index, which is a measurement taken based on a person’s weight and height. The formula to work this out is by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres. From there, you divide the answer by your height again to get your B.M.I. A healthy B.M.I. should result between the range of 20 to 25. A B.M.I. above 25 is normally considered overweight or obese and a low B.M.I. below 20 is considered underweight) and can thus, lead to obesity-related illnesses like heart disease and certain cancers. Ginger helpslower cholesterol by significantly reducing serum and hepatic cholesterol levels. Ginger also acts as a blood thinner and reduces blood pressure.

More: Flat Tummy Water Recipe

Immune Boosting Action

Ginger helps improve the immune system. Ginger is one of the oldest cures for cold, nausea and flu as it has anti-viral and anti fungal properties. It cures cold and provides instant relief and also kills the bacteria that causes cold and ensures that it doesn’t return. Drinking ginger as a tea will ease sore throat, non-stop coughing and even congestion. Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which can help prevent chills, fever, and excessive sweat. Plus, it acts as an antihistamine and hence is useful in dealing with allergies. Ginger tea is used for weight loss as it increases metabolism, stimulates circulation and excretion of toxins from the body.

More: 10 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning

Gastrointestinal Relief

Ginger is very effective in preventing the symptoms of motion sickness, especially sea sickness. Ginger reduces all symptoms associated with motion sickness including dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweating. Millions suffering from heartburn and indigestion might be saving a pretty penny if they gave ginger tea a try. The herb facilitates colon cleansing as well. Cleansing the colon also helps in good digestion, therefore more digestion, more weight loss.

More: How to Lose Weight Naturally (22 Home Remedies)


One of the most effective uses of ginger is that it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce joint inflammations. The anti-inflammatory compounds responsible for significantly reducing inflammation are called gingerols. Best for arthritis patients. The root of ginger is best known for this purpose. It does not allow blood vessels to get inflamed and thus it helps increase the flow of blood to the body and cures the pain. Ginger helps in expanding the blood vessels which increases your body heat. This makes your body burn more fat.

More: 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

Food Satiety

In addition to increasing fat loss, ginger may also help a person to feel satiated, which in turn reduces food consumption. Also, it’s been proved that ginger works as a natural appetite suppressant which is the best way to lose weight. Natural appetite suppressants are safe and cause no rebound. Ginger is nearly calorie-free, and when used in cooking or brewed in tea, it can give you a slight advantage in meeting your weight loss goals. Ginger and weight loss go together well partly because ginger is known to be a thermogenic food. It raises the temperature of the body and helps boost metabolism, so you burn more fat than you would simply by dieting alone.

More: 5 Ways to Burn Calories without Exercising

Cortisol Production

Ginger suppresses cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone necessary for energy regulation and mobilization. But chronic stress can cause cortisol levels to rise too high. Adipose fat moves to the visceral area where it receives an increased blood supply that encourages tissues to produce an excess amount of cortisol. High cortisol levels may increase excess belly fat and weight gain.

More: 6 Lies You Need to Stop Telling Yourself So You Can Get in Shape

Good for Digestion

Ginger has a beneficial effect on your overall digestive system, helping to regulate and aid the movement of food through your stomach, and small and large intestines. When everything moves more smoothly, you benefit by losing weight more easily.

Note that ginger should not be used by pregnant or nursing mothers except under physician supervision. Because ginger also has high fiber content, it increases gastrointestinal motility. By increasing the rate of metabolism, ginger can help burn off some of the fat stored up in the body.


  • Make ginger lemonade. Simply combine freshly grated ginger, lemon juice, cane juice or honey and water.
  •  Ginger for weight loss, it can be used not only in the form of tea, but also in handling salads. Since ginger tea invigorates, it is not advisable to drink in the evening.
  • Add extra to your rice side dishes by sprinkling grated ginger.
  • Combine ginger, soy sauce, olive oil and garlic to make a wonderful salad dressing.
  • Spice up your healthy sautéed vegetables by adding freshly minced ginger.
  • You can always brew with tea (black, green). If ginger tea drinks with honey, it is necessary to slow or has been diluted in warm tea.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea,Peppermint mint for health,use of peppermint ,Peppermint tea
Peppermint tea is more than just plain delicious. It has been proven to have some fairly amazing health and beauty benefits too. From the tips of your hair to the tips of your toes and everything in between, peppermint tea benefits can be varied and powerful.

Getting to Know Peppermint Tea

First things first — it’s time to get to know this miracle-worker, so let’s start with its name: peppermint tea is actually a bit of a misnomer. There are no tea leaves in most peppermint infusions that you’ll buy in the store, and that’s a good thing for many of the benefits you’ll see below. Because peppermint tea is often used for stress relief and relaxation, the natural lack of caffeine is a definite plus.

But one other reason that we love this element of peppermint tea is that it makes it fairly simple to make yourself. Mint is a very easy herb to grow — in fact, the hardest thing about growing mint will be keeping it from invading everything else!

Peppermint thrives in cooler, shadier places, so you can grow peppermint in pots, either in the shade or in an indoor herb garden. Be sure it gets at least an inch of water a week, and prune back the flowers and budding tips to make sure you get a strong harvest.

Once you’ve grown the peppermint and are ready to gather and dry it for tea, harvest it in the morning before the dew has evaporated for the most potent essential oils. Hang upside down in the shade until completely dry, then strip the leaves and store them in airtight jars until ready to brew.

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Peppermint Tea Benefits for Mood and Well-Being

1. Use Peppermint Tea to Relieve Stress

When it comes to stress and anxiety, peppermint tea is one of your best allies. The menthol that is naturally present in the herb is a known muscle relaxant; this physical manifestation of relaxation can translate to stress and anxiety relief as well.

Try sipping a cup of peppermint tea and listening to your favorite song for a five-minute break during a hectic afternoon to get the most out of this benefit.

More: 10 Effective Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Fast Weight Loss

2. Can’t Sleep? Try Peppermint Tea

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Drinking peppermint tea before bed has been proven to give you a more restful sleep; this peppermint tea benefit actually stems from the menthol content of the herb as well. Not only does the relaxation of the muscles lead to more restful sleep, the tea has properties that can even help you dream more vividly.

Try having a cup of peppermint tea while you read a chapter of a book in bed, far from television and phone screens. Reading can help your imagination get to work, and being away from screens will help you become calmer and able to rest.

More: 10 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning

3. Try Peppermint Tea for Concentration

Having a hard time concentrating? Peppermint may be a solution.

A study in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that peppermint tea can increase focus and concentration. What’s more, a study at the University of Cincinnati found that the scent of peppermint was even more important than the actual consumption of the tea. Peppermint diffused in a room full of test-takers boosted their alertness and concentration, as the smell of menthol stimulates the hippocampus, which is brain’s memory center.

To take advantage of this benefit, brew peppermint tea and sip it slowly, or make a homemade peppermint humidifier by bringing a pot of water to a boil, adding the peppermint and covering the pot. Bring the pot into the room you want to humidify and open the pot; the scent of peppermint will fill the room.
Peppermint Tea Benefits for Health and Body

More: How to Lose Weight Naturally (22 Home Remedies)

4. Looking to Shed Some Pounds? Peppermint Tea May Be the Answer

When it comes to weight loss, it seems we’re always searching for a miracle, but while there isn’t one problem-solving ingredient, peppermint tea can definitely help.

Peppermint tea is a proven appetite suppressant, and the naturally sweet flavor of peppermint means that a cup of the infusion can stand in perfectly for dessert, making it easier to stick to your healthy eating goals.

You could also drink a blend of peppermint tea and green tea first thing in the morning to increase your metabolism. The catechins in green tea are proven to help boost metabolism, and the two working together will make it easier to shed extra pounds.

More: 6 Best Nuts For Weight Loss

5. Use Peppermint Tea for Sinus Relief

The consumption of any warm liquid, from tea to hot water with honey, can help with congestion, but peppermint tea boasts a specific benefit, and once again, we have menthol to thank. Menthol is a natural decongestant, providing relief from sinus pressure, and the hot liquid can also soothe a sore throat that accompanies seasonal cold symptoms too.

When you’re suffering from a stuffy nose and scratchy throat, combine peppermint tea, lemon and honey for a soothing drink.

More: Flat Tummy Water Recipe

6. Clear Your Skin with A Peppermint Tea Bath

If you suffer from hormonal skin problems such as acne, peppermint tea could be a natural solution. Peppermint tea offers a slight boost in estrogen levels to some drinkers, which can help curb these hormonal problems and aid in clearing up acne.

If you really want to make sure that you’re reaping all the benefits, try adding peppermint tea to your bath water. It can help soothe burns and rashes as well as other skin inflammations.

More: 10 Benefits of Carrots: The Crunchy Powerfood

7. Soothe Stomach Problems with Peppermint Tea

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Peppermint tea is also a great natural remedy for certain stomach ailments, including bloating, gas, and constipation. Archeological evidence has shown that peppermint has been used as a medicine and supplement for over 10,000 years, and even today, peppermint oil is used by some medical professionals to soothe symptoms associated with intestinal issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Peppermint tea contains carminative elements, which allow gas to move through the body as it forms instead of remaining in one place, causing discomfort. It is also an antispasmodic, which means that nausea and vomiting are reduced, even just by inhaling the scent of peppermint. It’s no surprise that so many over-the-counter treatments for diarrhea, constipation, and gas are flavored with mint.

Having a cup of tea when you suffer from these symptoms can help reduce them, and if you suffer from regular gas, constipation or bloating, sipping a cup in the evening before bed can help soothe these problems, making it easier to digest and fall asleep.

Bearing all of these benefits in mind, don’t forget that peppermint tea can also have a few side effects. Some people are allergic to menthol; make sure that this is not the case with you. Also, some people experience heartburn when they ingest peppermint though this is usually mild. Pregnant women should also be aware that drinking peppermint tea can cause uterine relaxation, which can increase miscarriage risk.

More: 25 Easy Ways To Fit In 10 Minutes Of Exercise

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Flat Tummy Water Recipe

Flat Tummy Water Recipe,flat belly,health,fitness,weight loss
This recipe will not only help you get hydrated, but it will help you flush out toxins, feel full and can lose weight fast.

Please remember any kind of store-bought appetite suppressant can be dangerous and may not necessarily help you with your weight loss goals.

There are so many weight loss recipes out there and it can be very misleading.

A healthy diet, exercise and self-control are key factors to successful weight loss.

New studies show that diet drinks actually make you fat.

Naturally flavored and infused waters are a favorite when it comes to weight management.

They taste deliciously good and you control the ingredients.

Please make sure you use filtered water to get the full benefits.

More: 8 Power Fruits For Better Health 

ingredients :


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They are low in calories, act as a diuretic, high in dietary in fiber, and help keep the body alkaline. Cucumbers are a perfect weight loss food.


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A study from the Institute for Human Nutrition at Columbia University showed that when participants drank a hot beverage with ginger, they felt more full and had less chance of overeating.


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They are high in pectin fiber, which helps suppress food cravings. It also helps the body eliminate waste products by cleansing and detoxifying it. Lemons are alkaline forming and will aid with weight loss.


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You may not have thought of mint as an appetite suppressant, but it is. Not only will it give the water a refreshing flavor it will stop food cravings too.

Water is life. It keeps the body hydrated, which is important because dehydration can slow down the fat burning process. It lubricates joints and muscles during exercise and helps the blood supply oxygen to muscles. Water also helps feel full during meals, so we don’t overeat.

Flat tummy water recipe:

In a BPA-free pitcher or mason jar, add the following:

  • 6 cups of filtered water
  • 1 tbsp of grated ginger
  • 1 cucumber, sliced
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 1/2 cup of mint leaves
Let the mixture infuse overnight

Drink it all the next day and enjoy!

If you don’t finish it all, please keep it refrigerated. it keeps up to 2 days.

Make sure ingredients are organic and the water is filtered.

If you can’t find fresh ginger, you can also use organic ginger root powder.

Use 1 Tbsp.

TIP: You can do this every other day. This is safe and very hydrating too.

It is recommended to stop after 4 weeks.

AS ALWAYS: Check with your health practitioner before you change your diet and see if this recipe or any weight loss recipe you wish to try are right for you. This drink is not meant to replace any treatment or drugs you are taking.


1. “Ginger Consumption Enhances the Thermic Effect of Food and Promotes Feelings of Satiety without Affecting Metabolic and Hormonal Parameters in Overweight Men: A Pilot Study.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2012. Web. 03 Sept. 2013.

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Monday, November 23, 2015

10 Effective Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Fast Weight Loss

effective fruit and vegetable for fast weight loss lose weight fastly with effective fruit and vegetable juices fat burning with fruit and vegetable

Inculcating certain healthy habits in your daily diet can bring about remarkable changes in your life and health. It is best to clarify a few confusions that are associated with juicing. Juicing on an occasional basis while gorging on unhealthy foods and living a sedentary lifestyle can’t help in losing weight. It is a healthy habit that must be included in daily life to enjoy its health benefits. Consuming natural fruit and vegetable juices is extremely beneficial for detoxifying the body and is one of the best natural ways to lose weight and jump-start the process of fat burning.

Why Should I Juice?

Well, the most common question that circles the health and fitness circle concerning juicing is that whether it is better to have fruits and vegetable juice or have them whole. Having the whole fruits and vegetables is the best option indeed but there are certain reasons why juicing wins the day.

  • Juicing increases overall fruit and vegetable intake which is not possible if we are consuming them whole.
  • Juicing promotes weight loss by boosting metabolism.
  • Certain vegetable juices help in improving cardiovascular health and lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • The high content of antioxidants and fiber helps in reducing the risk of all kinds of cancer.

10 Best Natural Juices that Helps in Weight Loss

Although pills and crash diets are widely available that can promote weight loss apparently, but most of them have been shown to have severe side effects in the long run and therefore it is best to resort to natural remedies that are time tested and have no harmful effects on health.

1.Carrot and Grapefruit Smoothie

The importance of carrot juice for weight loss is well known. Carrots are extremely low in calories and high in fiber that makes carrot juice a perfect vegetable juice for weight loss. Being rich in fibers, it helps keep the tummy satiated for a longer time and prevents mindless cravings, which is one of the main reasons for weight gain. Studies show that eating grapefruit after consuming a meal high in fats can help in cutting out the calories by a fifth. Therefore, a combination of these two superfoods for weight loss makes the ideal smoothie for burning calories.

  • Pink Grapefruit – 1
  • Carrots – 4
  • Lemon Juice – 2 Tablespoon
  • Ginger – 1 Inch

Peel the grapefruit and cut the inner flesh into rough cubes. Peel and cut the carrots into small cubes. Add all the ingredients in a food processor; add the lemon juice and peeled ginger to it. Mix it for 3 to 4 minutes and pour in a tall smoothie glass and enjoy. This is one of the best home remedies for weight loss that shows great effectiveness when drank once on a daily basis.

2.Beetroot, Carrot and Strawberry Smoothie

Balanced diet plans to lose weight should include beets. Beetroot helps in enhancing exercise endurance and stamina so that you can sweat it out longer in the gym without feeling drained. It contains a high level of both soluble and insoluble fibers that helps in weight loss. Ellagic acid and anthocyanins present in strawberries helps in weight loss by reducing inflammation and restoring the functions of weight-reducing hormones. Anthocyanins stimulate the production of hormone adiponectin that boosts metabolism and suppresses hunger by slowing down the speed of digestion of starchy foods.

  • Beetroots – 2
  • Strawberries – 1 Cup
  • Carrots – 1

Peel the beetroots and carrot and chop in small cubes, add all the vegetables and strawberries in a food processor, add 1/4th cup water and blend well to form a smooth paste. Pour in a tall serving glass and enjoy.

3.Cucumber and Kiwi Smoothie

Cucumber is an amazing vegetable that helps to lose weight naturally, and a healthy diet for weight loss often includes this juicy vegetable. Being rich in water and low in sodium, it helps in reducing bloating and water retention. Comprising of merely 45 calories, it makes a surprisingly low calorie snack that you can munch any time and also works in bulking up the salads. Kiwi fruits are loaded with energy, nutrients, and vitamins and are low in calories that make it a perfect delicious tart snack for those trying to lose weight. Kiwi is also rich in dietary fibers that help in keeping you satiated for longer, thereby preventing mindless munching.

  • Kiwi – 2
  • Cucumber – 1
  • Lime – 1/2
  • Mint Leaves – A few

Peel and chop the kiwi and cucumber, add it to the blender, add a dash of lime and the mint leaves; blend well and experience the fat fighting power of this mean green smoothie.

4.Bell pepper and Apple Smoothie

Natural weight loss remedies must include bell peppers. The brightly colored peppers, especially the red ones are rich in capsaicin that provides it with the spicy and burning feature. Capsaicin increases body temperature and speeds up metabolism through thermogenesis that helps the body in burning calories and improving fat oxidation. Eating at least 6 mg of capsaicin on a daily basis increases the burning of abdominal fat in both men and women. Apples are low in fat, calories and sodium and high in fibers and vitamins that make it the perfect natural weight loss food. The water soluble fibers in apples help in extracting cholesterol from the blood stream and keeping the heart healthy.

  • Red Bell Pepper – 1
  • Red Apple – 1
  • Lemon Juice – 1 Tablespoon

Chop the bell pepper and the apple and add it in a blender, add the lemon juice and blend all the ingredients with 1/2 cup water for a few minutes, pour the contents in a glass and enjoy the spicy and hot taste of this delightful red smoothie.

More: 5 Ways to Burn Calories without Exercising

5.Celery, Cucumber and Apple Smoothie

A balanced diet for weight loss must include raw celery as a crunchy and satiating snack that doesn’t add excess calories to the body. Being extremely low in calories and high in vitamins C, K, folate, potassium and dietary fibers, it also makes an important ingredient for juice diet for weight loss. A combination of celery with juicy cucumber and delicious apples helps in enhancing its effectiveness for weight loss even further.

  • Celery Stalks – 3
  • Cucumber – 1
  • Red Apple – 1

Chop the celery stalks into medium sized pieces, chop the cucumber and apple and add all the ingredients in a food processor, add ½ cup of water to it and blend well to form a smooth paste. Pour in a drinking mug and enjoy with a dash of lemon.

6.Mint, Watermelon and Kale Smoothie

Any vegetarian diet weight loss must include mint. It not only helps in enhancing the taste of the dishes, but also aids in weight loss by suppressing appetite. Being a natural appetite suppressant, chewing a few mint leaves between meals helps in checking the craving for unhealthy snacks. Watermelon comprises mainly of water and being hydrating, filling and extremely low in calories, it makes a perfect fruit for weight loss. It is also the best fruit for cleansing and detoxing the body. Kale is often called the king of vegetables that are high in fiber, antioxidants and beta-carotene that not only aid in weight loss but also improves cardiovascular health and prevents cancer.

  • Mint Leaves – A Handful
  • Kale Leaves – 6
  • Watermelon – 2 Cups (Seeded and chopped)

Wash and chop the mint and kale leaves and pour all the ingredients in the food processor along with 1/2 cup of water, blend well to form a paste of smooth consistency, pour in a large serving mug and enjoy with a sprinkle of chia seeds powder on top.

7.Cucumber and Pineapple Smoothie

Pineapple, the delicious tropical fruit with refreshing flavor is useful for weight loss because of its high water and fiber content that aids in achieving the weight loss goals by keeping you satiated for longer. It also helps in suppressing appetite and reducing the craving for unhealthy snacks. Spinach, yet other leafy green vegetable helps in preventing food cravingsand is an important part of low calorie meals such as the GM Diet and 1200 Calorie Diet plan because you can eat a lot of it without thinking about piling up calories.

  • Cucumber – 1
  • Pineapple – 1 Cup (Chopped)
  • Spinach – 1 Cup

Chop the cucumber and spinach roughly and add all the ingredients in a food processor and add ½ cup water to it. Blend well and pour in a serving glass and enjoy the tangy and flavorful taste of this weight loss smoothie.

8.Broccoli, Cucumber and Lettuce Smoothie

The best diet for weight loss must include broccoli. A cup of broccoli contains only 40 calories and is a rich source of vitamins A, C, K along with dietary fibers and folate. It is also an effective vegetarian source of omega 3 fatty acids that also aids weight loss. Like most green vegetables, it helps in keeping you full without adding empty calories. Lettuce, especially romaine lettuce is extremely effective in burning abdominal fat and speeding up weight loss from the tummy. It is not only loaded with beta-carotene, folate, vitamin C and dietary fibers but is also abundant in chromium that aids fat loss and retains and promotes the formation of lean muscle mass when combined with routine exercise.

  • Broccoli – 1 Large
  • Cucumber – 1
  • Romaine Lettuce – 1 Head
  • Lemon Juice – 1 Tablespoon

Chop the broccoli, lettuce and cucumber roughly and add all the ingredients in the food processor, add ½ cup of water and blend thoroughly to make a smooth paste, pour it in a tall glass and add the lemon juice to it. Enjoy it first thing in the morning.

9.Tomato, Carrots and Asparagus Smoothie

The best juices for weight loss must include tomatoes. These delicious and juicy red fruits are rich in antioxidants that help in reducing the harmful effects of inflammation and fluid retention in the body. It also helps in reversing leptin resistance in the body that helps regulate metabolism, appetite and the fat burning process of the body. There are various ways in which asparagus helps in losing weight. Being a great source of soluble fibers, it helps in keeping you full and suppressing hunger. It helps in controlling blood sugar by helping in blood glucose metabolization. It is a natural diuretic that helps in flushing out excess fluid from the body and is a natural remedy for bloating.

  • Tomatoes – 3 Medium Sized
  • Asparagus – 6 Stalks
  • Carrots – 3

Wash and chop all the vegetables roughly and add it to the food processor, add 1/4th cup of water, blend well and pour in a serving glass. Enjoy with a hint of lemon juice and mint.

10.Spicy Pear Spinach and Strawberry Smoothie

Pears are high in carbohydrates but low in calories, that makes it the perfect pre and post workout food that improves lean muscle mass and reduces the craving for unhealthy foods by increasing satiety that makes it a perfect ingredient for weight loss juices. A medium sized pear contains only 100 calories and has 6 grams of fiber that takes time to break down in the stomach and keeps blood sugar under control by constantly releasing a controlled amount of glucose in the blood stream. But you must be wondering, why it is called the Spicy Smoothie, because none of these ingredients are spicy. This is because, we are going to add a dash of cayenne pepper on top of the smoothie to give it a spicy and hot twist that also promotes fat burning through thermogenesis.

  • Pear – 1
  • Spinach – 1 Handful
  • Strawberries – 1 Cup
  • Cayenne Pepper – A Pinch

Peel the skin and remove the seeds from the pear, chop the spinach and strawberries and add all the ingredients in the food processor, add 1/4th cup of water to it, blend well, pour in a glass and enjoy in the evening.

The best way to maximize the effectiveness of these juices is to substitute them with other solid foods during breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner and have a healthy and active lifestyle to burn fat and have a fit body.

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

10 Benefits of Carrots: The Crunchy Powerfood

Forget about vitamin A pills. With this orange crunchy powerfood, you get vitamin A and a host of other powerful health benefits including beautiful skin, cancer prevention, and anti-aging. Read how to get maximum benefits from this amazing vegetable.10 Benefits of Carrots: The Crunchy Powerfood, health, fitness, weight loss,

Benefits of Carrots

1. Improves vision

Western culture’s understanding of carrots being “good for the eyes” is one of the few we got right. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina, to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision.

Beta-carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and senile cataracts. A study found that people who eat the most beta-carotene had 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration than those who consumed little.

2. Helps prevent cancer

Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Researchers have just discovered falcarinol and falcarindiol which they feel cause the anticancer properties.

Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by the carrot that protects its roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only common sources of this compound. A study showed 1/3 lower cancer risk by carrot-eating mice.

3. Slows down aging

The high level of beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. It help slows down the aging of cells.

4. Promotes healthier skin

Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes, and uneven skin tone.

5. Helps prevent infection

Carrots are known by herbalists to prevent infection. They can be used on cuts – shredded raw or boiled and mashed.

6. Promotes healthier skin (from the outside)

Carrots are used as an inexpensive and very convenient facial mask. Just mix grated carrot with a bit of honey. See the full recipe here: carrot face mask.

7. Prevents heart disease

Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein.

The regular consumption of carrots also reduces cholesterol levels because the soluble fibers in carrots bind with bile acids.

8. Cleanses the body

Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. The fibers present in carrots help clean out the colon and hasten waste movement.

9. Protects teeth and gums

It’s all in the crunch! Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste. Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.

10. Prevents stroke

From all the above benefits it is no surprise that in a Harvard University study, people who ate more than six carrots a week are less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate only one carrot a month or less.

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  • Rabbits love to eat carrots but they shouldn’t eat too much. Remember that a rabbit eating a single carrot is like us eating over 20! They like the sweetness and carrots are good for their teeth and don’t have white sugar but even too too many natural sugars will cause digestive problems and diabetes. They probably would do better with the carrot tops. We would benefit from the tops also but probably won’t eat them!
  • Carrots are the second most popular type of vegetable after potatoes.
  • The biggest carrot recorded is more than 19 pounds and the longest is over 19 feet! You can see them here: biggest carrot – but they aren’t particularly pretty!
  • There are over 100 species of carrots. Some are big. Some are small and they come in a variety of colors including: orange, purple, white, yellow, and red.
  • English women in the 1600’s often wore carrot leaves in their hats in place of flowers or feathers.
  • The name “carrot” comes from the Greek word “karoton.” The beta-carotene that is found in carrots was actually named for the carrot itself!
  • The average American eats about 12 pounds of carrots a year. That’s only one cup per week. We could easily triple that with great benefits if we were also eating a variety of other vegetables.

How To Eat Carrots

The nutrition in carrots are tightly encased in protein sacs that have to be broken by heat (cooking) or mechanical action (grinding, juicing, proper chewing).

Cooking the carrots in fat or oils, or pureeing or juicing them increases the availability of carotenoids by 600 percent.
Fats help the absorption of carotenoids into the blood by 1000 percent as carotenoids are fat soluble.

Recipes with Carrots:

Carrots with Arame: Seaweed recipe for health.
Carrots with Orange: A surprising but delightful combination….and it’s fast!
Chili Con Vege: Diana’s version of chili filled with carrots.
20 Carrot Recipes: A set of recipes.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

10 Reasons to Avoid Drinking Soda

10 Reasons to Avoid Drinking Soda,health,fitness,weightloss
The average American drinks approximately 56 GALLONS of soda a year. Some people even admit to drinking more soda than water each day, or no water at all. Soft drinks are a multi-billion dollar product, and they account for a quarter of all drinks consumed in the United States. With Americans consuming this large amount of soft drinks each year, it becomes important to evaluate how soft drinks can influence a person’s health. With a little research, it becomes clear that even moderate consumption of soda can be dangerous.

More: Chinese Weight Loss Secrets

Ten Reasons to Avoid Soft Drink Consumption:

1. A single can of soda contains the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. This amount of sugar, especially in liquid form, skyrockets the blood sugar and causes an insulin reaction in the body. Over time, this can lead to diabetes or insulin resistance, not to mention weight gain and other health problems. Soft drink companies are the largest user of sugar in the country.

2. Soda contains phosphoric acid, which interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium and can lead to osteoporosis, cavities and bone softening. Phosphoric Acid also interacts with stomach acid, slowing digestion and blocking nutrient absorption.

3. In diet sodas, aspartame is used as a substitute for sugar, and can actually be more harmful. It has been linked to almost a hundred different health problems including seizures, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, diabetes, and emotional disorders. It converts to methanol at warm temperatures and methanol breaks down to formaldehyde and formic acid. Diet sodas also increase the risk of metabolic syndrome, which causes belly fat, high blood sugar and raised cholesterol.

4. Most sodas contain caffeine, which has been linked to certain cancers, breast lumps, irregular heart beat, high blood pressure, and other problems.

5. The water used in soda is just simple tap water and can contain chemicals like chlorine, fluoride and traces of heavy metals.

6. Harvard researchers have recently positively linked soft drinks to obesity. The study found that 12 year olds who drank soda were more likely to be obese than those who didn’t, and for each serving of soda consumed daily, the risk of obesity increased 1.6 times.

7. Sodas contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, which obviously comes from corn. Most of this corn has been genetically modified, and there are no long term studies showing the safety of genetically modified crops, as genetic modification of crops has only been around since the 1990s. Also, the process of making High Fructose Corn Syrup involves traces of mercury, which causes a variety of long term health problems.

8. There is absolutely no nutritional value in soda whatsoever. Not only are there many harmful effects of soda, but there are not even any positive benefits to outweigh them. Soda is an unnatural substance that harms the body.

9. Because of the high sugar, sodium and caffeine content in soda, it dehydrates the body and over a long period of time can cause chronic dehydration.

10. Drinking soda regularly causes plaque to build up on the teeth and can lead to cavities and gum disease.

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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Chinese Weight Loss Secrets

If you have never heared befor about chinese weight loss tips so this is a chance to try them.Chinese Weight Loss Secrets, weightloss,health,fitness

Anglnwu, a certified health and wellness coach says: Ever wonder why Chinese people generally weigh less? Until 25 years ago, before the advent of fast-food in China, Chinese people have the lowest obesity rate. What is their secret to maintaining a trim waistline given their great obsession with food? If you look at their way of life, it revolves around food. Their common traditional greeting, “Have you eaten?” (Ni chi bao le ma?) and the number of people in the family is defined by the number of mouths to feed (kuo-mouths) show the emphasis on food. They even qualify the ability to eat as a blessing.

I was brought up on Chinese food (my grandparents were from China) and have always maintained a size 0 despite eating 5 meals (3 main meals, 2 snacks in between) a day. I analyze the way Chinese people eat and their whole approach to food and come up with some observations as to why they generally weigh a whole lot less. I have also incorporate some tips from Chinese food expert, Lorraire Clissford, author of the book, Why the Chinese Don’t Count Calories.

Forget Calories

To the ruler, people are heaven; to the people, food is heaven ~ ancient Chinese proverb.

A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch ~ James A. Beard (I know he’s not Chinese but who can resist such wisdom?)

Calories? What calories? Chinese people don’t have a word for “calories.” Surprising? Not really, they don’t map out their meals in terms of how many fat calories—in fact a 1990 survey found that Chinese people actually consumed 30 percent more calories than Americans, and they are not necessarily more active. If you do the Math, that spells disaster with the “FAT” word. So, where did the Math go wrong by all reasoning? Chinese people view food as nourishment and enjoyment, they tend to eat a more balanced meal—a little meat, some vegetables and always, rice or noodles. And that’s the way to go when eating. Western nutrition expert, Patrick Holford has this to say, “The latest research into weight loss shows that calorie-controlled, low-fat diets are less effective than low glycemic load diets, which is exactly what a traditional Chinese diet is.”

Verdict: Eat a well-rounded meal with the 3 main groups of foods—some carbs, some proteins and lots of vitamins and minerals (i.e. vegetables and fruits). Avoid waist-enhancing sugary, nutrient-deficient foods.

More: 10 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning

Portion Proposition

The way you cut your meat reflects the way you live ~ confucius

If you eat at a Chinese restaurant, the chances are that they don’t serve huge chunks of protein. They cut their meat up into bite-sizes and they like to toss them with other ingredients such as vegetables or an assortment of spices. Vegetables, as you know, are low in fat calories and high in vitamins and minerals. Spices offer huge favor benefits (some even burn fat like chili pepper, ginger, garlic) without unnecessary calories. If you put all the tiny pieces of meat together—they don’t add to much meat intake. Again, using your Math skill, less meat consumed makes for good dieting, even without you knowing it.

Verdict: Instead of eating huge slabs of steak or preparing hunks of meat, opt for the leaner version—slice them up and you’ll be surprised how little meat you need for a dish. Cost effective and very good for the waistline.

A Toast to Tea

Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one ~ Ancient Chinese proverb.

Chinese’s love affair with tea is a well-known secret and they’re not bashful about it. Since the chance discovery of tea by Emperor Shen Nung back in 2700 B.C. when some leaves fell into his cup of hot water, tea is almost always serve with food. Growing up, the pot of tea was always near, in the kitchen, and instead of soda or juice with a meal, hot tea is often the beverage of choice (actually the only choice with the exception of water in my house).

So, what’s so good about drinking tea? A whole slew of researches have shown health benefits of tea—it eliminates toxin, aids digestion (that’s why it is often consumed at meal times), fights damaging free radicals (because of its potent supply of catechins—powerful antioxidants) and reduces risks of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Tea, especially green tea is a fat burner and it can also freshens breath (another fringe benefit). A recent study in Geneva showed that tea’s catechins and its naturally occurring caffeine help to reduce weight. The study shows that both catechins and caffeine increase metabolic rate and rev up the body’s ability to burn fat.

Verdict: X-out soda and juices or fancy drinks to go with your meal. Elect to drink tea (black, green, white or red) for that extra fat-burning boost.

More: 6 Best Nuts For Weight Loss


He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the skills of the physician ~ Chinese proverb.

Chinese people love soups—in the morning, noon and night. Not the creamy, heavy version of most western diet but light, liquid based soup with an assortment of vegetables, meat and often, herbs. For instance, they use goji berries, dates, ginseng, galangal, lemon grass and ginger—among others, to flavor their soups. They generally don’t add up to many calories, since water has zero calories and they fill you up to induce a feeling of satiety. Chinese herbs used when preparing soups have various health benefits—from improving immune system, detoxifying toxins to maintaining good eye-sight (see goji berries health benefits).

Another western nutrition expert, Ian Marber says, “I’m a great believer in soups before food. Miso soup, for instance, or anything fermented—these are probiotics, which help release nutrients from the food you are about to eat.”

Verdict: Enjoy soups with your meal. Make it light, make it healthful to enrich health without taking a whole bunch of supplements to make up for nutritional lack.

Yin and Yang

This is the traditional symbol for the opposing,
yet complimentary forces of yin and yang,
sometimes described as 2 fishes swimming
 head to tail.
Yin and Yang are synonymous with the Chinese take on life—they believe in balance—even in their food preparation. Yin “cools” the body whereas Yang “heats” it up. In their food preparation, they often useyin (wet and moist) to balance yang(dry and crispy). A popular dish comes to mind—Szechwan beef—strips of crispy beef stir-fried with cooling celeries and carrots.

Some restaurants (common in Asia) even employ this concept when serving their foods. They actually do a thorough examination (by means of questioning and taking pulses) to determine your yin-and-yang status and then they proceed to prepare a meal for you based on their findings to restore the balance of yin and yang in your body. What a way to dine!

Why the emphasis on balance? According to Holford, it makes good health sense: “Most protein foods are seen as yang, carbohydrates as yin. The combination of these two helps stabilize blood sugar, which is key to good energy (chi) and minimizing weight gain.”

Verdict: Balance is key—as in a well-balanced diet, so utilize this concept in your food preparation.

More: 12 Best Exercises to Keep Your Body Healthy and Fit at Home/Office

Stir-fry Crazy

Sincerely full, the epicure would say, Fate cannot harm me; I have dined to-day ~ Sdyney Smith “Recipe for Salad.”

Sure salads are healthy and rightly so, if they are prepared with nutrient-rich fresh vegetables and healthy dressings. But fortunately, or unfortunately, Chinese people don’t like raw vegetables for the most part. They like to rock their woks with their stir-fries—lightly cooking their vegetables with intense heat. Is it healthier? While it may not necessarily be so, Lorraine Clissford says that sautéing vegetables can make the nutrients easier for the body to take on. She goes on to amplify a Chinese concept regarding raw food: the stomach finds it hard to digest too much raw food and this can lead to bloating and weight gain.

Verdict: Try lightly sautéing your vegetables instead—one more creative way to eat your vegetables and you may be doing your body a great service—since lightly cooking vegetables make nutrients more bio-available.

What’s for desserts?

Red Bean Soup
Eat first, talk later ~ common Chinese saying

Chinese people love desserts too. But desserts is often looked upon as a side, an after-thought kind of arrangement unlike Westerners who view desserts as the grand finale to their meal. For most part, they like to end their meal with a plate of fruits. 

Tofu-like almond jelly 

with lychees
 And if you ever look at their selection of desserts, you may be tempted to say, “You call this dessert?” Their selection?—red beans soup, mung beans with sliced dough sticks, almond jelly with lychees, banana fritters, glutinuous rice balls with sesame paste, and mango pudding—to mention a few—they don’t sound too appealing but maybe that’s a good thing for the waistline. With the exceptions of some, most Chinese desserts are not terribly sweet and some desserts are made with medicinal value in mind—Ginseng sweet soup with red dates and eggs, bird’s nest soup, for examples. They are not piled up with heavy cream or loaded with icing.

Sweet Sesame buns
Verdict: Short of skipping dessert, why not opt for a very healthy alternative—eat fruits as desserts.

Guilty Pleasure?

Well, a full belly conquers all ~ From the film Saving Face

Talk doesn’t cook rice ~ Chinese saying (meaning talk means nothing, if there’s no action)

The rice is cooked ~ another Chinese saying (It’s too late to change, or to regret something. The English equivalent—don’t’ cry over spilled milk)

Chinese people love their rice, especially white, fluffy rice. In fact, if a woman cannot cook good fluffy rice, her culinary skills are often called to question. They also love noodles—oodles of them—they carry auspicious meaning: eating noodles on your birthday ensures a long life. Now, this love for simple carbohydrates doesn’t sound like a good diet plan. Not so, says Clissold-- although rice is high in carbohydrates, it is also low in fat and high in nutrients and it fills you up quickly, so you are not snacking on low-carb and high fat foods, which can translate to weight gain in the long run.

Verdict: So white rice and noodles may not be the best thing about the Chinese diet but if you watch the portion size (should be no more than a quarter of your plate or no more than a small bowl of rice), it can actually fill you up, thereby preventing unnecessary snacking later to quell hunger pangs. Another good alternative is to replace rice and noodles with brown rice or the healthier whole-grain version.

So there, you have it—secrets from an insider, who still retains her Chinese way of eating food, despite the fact that she’s surrounded with fast food restaurants and hamburger joints.

Other Chinese quotes about food I can’t pass up, because they’re so darn good:
  • I just love Chinese food. My favorite dish is number 27 ~ Clement Atlee, former British Prime Minister
  • Tea tempers the spirit, harmonizes the mind, dispels lassitude, relieves fatigue, awakens thoughts and prevents drowsiness ~ The Classic Art of Tea, by Lu Lu
  • We think fast food is equivalent to pornography, nutritionally speaking ~ Steve Elbert
  • There is one thing more exasperating than a wife who can cook and won’t, and that’s a wife who can’t cook and will ~ Robert Frost
  • And I find chopsticks frankly distressing. Am I alone in thinking it odd that a people ingenious enough to invent paper, gunpowder, kites and any number of useful objects, and who have a noble history extending back 3,000 years haven’t yet worked out that a pair of knitting needles is no way to capture food? ~ Bill Bryson
Well, actually they have. Chopsticks is their ultimate diet control solution—how much food can you pick up with a pair of skinny bamboo contraption, that takes even greater effort to maneuver?

Agree, readers? Now, run out and buy yourself some good-looking chopsticks and half of the weight battle may be won, just like that.

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